Thursday, August 15, 2019

Year 12: Let's Set Some Goals

Summer comes and goes faster and faster each year, you know? It's astonishing.

But here I am, about to embark upon my 12th year of teaching and my 7th year as an Instructional Technology Facilitator. This year, as I previously mentioned, I'll be navigating an A/B schedule. I'm thrilled to continue to have some flexibility in my daily schedule, and I'm also excited to be getting back into working with the students in the lab.

Tomorrow is our first official work day, and I'm excited to see my coworkers and get prepped for another awesome year. It's going to be busy and chaotic but I know that it's going to be great, too.

This school year, I have a few goals I'm hoping to accomplish or make progress on.

1. Maximize productivity during my flex time. When I'm not teaching, I really want to be pushing into classrooms or working on PD or doing things that are super constructive and helpful. This year I'll have to budget that time a little more cautiously since there will be less of it, but I want to make sure that I'm getting the most I possibly can out of my flexible schedule times.

2. Innovate more with regards to my lessons in the lab. I have a set of resources and activities that evolves slightly from year to year, but I'd love to get some more innovation into my time with students in the lab. I want to take advantage of the resources we have and plan lessons that push me to think more creatively.

3. Expand my professional online presence using Twitter and also things like this blog. I want to connect more and find online communities I can plug into for inspiration, and I hope to be able to provide some insight and inspiration for others who might connect with me, too. (By the way, you can find me on Twitter @EdTechJunkie509! Please give me a follow if you don't already!)

I think those are some pretty decent goals going into the 2019-2020 school year, and I'm honestly hoping to be more present and communicative about my progress with them. What goals are you setting for this coming school year? What do you hope to achieve?

Setting goals and being reflective is so critical to our professional development, and if you haven't already tried this exercise of naming a few goals you have for the school year to come, I encourage you to do so!

I'm off to enjoy my last weeknight evening before work days commence tomorrow--good luck, and I'm sure we'll talk more soon!


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